Winter Conference Seminar FAQs
Q: What is the deadline to complete a submission?
A: The deadline to submit for the NSA Winter Conference will be October 6, 2023.
Q: Do I have to submit my proposal online?
A: Yes, online submission of proposals is required.
Q: Do I have to have an email address to submit online?
A: Yes, confirmation and notification will be done via email.
Q: How will I know if my proposal was submitted successfully?
A: A confirmation screen will appear once you have submitted your proposal.
Q: What information is required?
A: The online proposal must be completed with the following information:
- Seminar Track
- Who Submitted the Proposal*
- Title of Presentation
- Presentation Description
- Presenters*
*Presenter Information Required: Name, Title, Agency/Organization, City, State, Cell Phone, Email
Q: What tracks can I submit a proposal for?
A: NSA has the following 6 tracks:
- Future of Law Enforcement
- Jail Operations
- Legal Affairs
- Officer Wellness
- Recruitment and Retention
- Technology for Law Enforcement
Q: What topic should I submit for consideration?
A: We are looking for contemporary and innovative educational seminars on law enforcement issues that attendees will find relevant to their job and agency. Seminars should not be a sales pitch/commercial for an organization or service.
Q: What are the criteria for acceptance of proposals?
A: All submissions will be reviewed by a committee. All submitters are notified of the results via email.
Q: When will I know if my presentation has been accepted?
A: For the NSA Winter Conference, the submitter will receive a notification email decision no later than October 30 of the current year. Submitters will be expected to acknowledge receipt to accept and review content for the conference program.
Q: If my proposal is accepted, will I receive any compensation for presenting at an NSA conference?
A: No, NSA does not pay travel expenses or honorariums.
Q: If my proposal is accepted, will I receive complimentary registration at NSA’s conference?
A: Yes. If selected you will receive full registration for the NSA Winter conference.
Q: If accepted, how much time will I be given to present?
A: Seminar times are 1 hour in length.
Q: How are seminar rooms set up? What audio-visual equipment will be available for my presentation?
A: All seminar rooms will be set in classroom style seating. A head table for three and standing lecturn will be standard in each room for presenters, along with an LCD projector and screen. A laptop will be provided by NSA. An audio-visual technician will be available to assist you and to answer any technical questions.
Additional audio-visual requests will be considered at the discretion of the Director of Meetings and the availability of such resources. Costs of additional audio-visual requests may be passed on to the presenter (i.e. internet).
Q: What format should my presentation be in? Should I include handouts?
A: Most seminar presenters have a PowerPoint presentation and may provide additional handouts (copied and shipped to the conference site at their expense). In order for attendees to obtain POST credit in their state, NSA requires the following documentation for each seminar, approximately one month prior to the conference and it will be placed online for attendees to access after the conference:
1) Short bio/resume of the instructor(s)
2) Goal or learning objective of the seminar
3) Outline of training materials
4) PowerPoint of training materials (a PDF version will suffice)
Q: Where should I go once I arrive on-site at the conference?
A: Please visit the conference registration desk to check in and obtain your conference credentials. Due to the smaller size of the NSA Winter Conference and space restrictions, a Speaker Ready Room may not be available.
Q: What is expected of me as a presenter?
A: Conference attendees invest a considerable amount of time and expense to attend the conference. It is expected that presenters:
- will prepare for their seminar prior to arrival;
- have a significant knowledge and expertise of the subject area, and have sufficient presentation skills to effectively communicate;
- will not engage in excessive commercial presentations of their organization or service;
- will be conscious of the time limitation of their seminar;
- will not read directly from PowerPoints or written statements.