Jail Operations
The Jail Operations program offers specialized training in jail management and operations. Trainings include Jail Certification, Jail Correspondence Training, Jail Operations Certification, and Jail Evacuation Training.
Jail Certification
NSA, in cooperation with the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) Corrections Academy, has created the Jail Certification Program to provide professional designation to jail officers, supervisors, administrators and sheriffs who possess the requisite understanding, knowledge, skills, experience and abilities to function to the level of their achieved certification.
NSA Jail Correspondence Training Programs
Thousands of students have graduated from the Jail Officer's Training Program and the First/Second Line Supervisor's Training Program, and the success of these programs continues to flourish. From the volume of informational requests received daily about these programs, we anticipate continued growth as public safety/criminal justice agencies become increasingly aware of the ongoing training needed to carry out their duties.
NSA Jail Operations Certificate
Jail Evacuation Training
The Jail Evacuation programs, originally developed by the NSA through a cooperative agreement funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), provide an overview of primary topic areas that Sheriffs and Jail Commanders can utilize to determine the status of their current jail evacuation plan.