Upcoming NHTSA Campaigns
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over National Mobilization
August 16 - September 2, 2019
One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes (impaired driving), has become a serious safety epidemic in our country.
As law enforcement professionals and highway safety advocates, your efforts will help reduce the number of crashes and fatalities due to impaired driving. By increasing State enforcement efforts, raising public awareness through paid, earned, and social media, and maximizing your local resources, you can make a difference.
Use the customizable enforcement materials at the links below to help you successfully spread the campaign’s message, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, and complement your enforcement campaign.
Click here for enforcement
(Drive Sober or Get Pulled
Over) marketing tools.
Click here for drug-impaired
driving enforcement (If You Feel Different, You Drive Different)
marketing tools.
Click here for enforcement
(Ride Sober or Get Pulled
Over) marketing tools.
National Teen Driver Safety Week
October 20 - 26, 2019
This week - and every week, parents should have conversations with their teens about the important rules they need to follow to stay safe behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.
These rules address the greatest dangers for teen drivers:
- distracted driving (texting while driving)
- impaired driving (alcohol and drugs)
- inconsistent or no seat belt use
- number of passengers
- speeding
Even if you think they aren't listening, they are. So, remember, set the rules before they hit the road.
Click here for campaign materials for National Teen Driver Safety Week.