Seminar Materials

Below, you'll find the content from the 2017 Winter Conference seminars, as provided by the presenters (listed in alphabetical order).

Developing and Implementing Social Media Training for Policing Agencies
Presenter: Commander Mike Parker, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Los Angeles, CA

Employment Law for Sheriffs
Presenter: Harold Koretzky, Esq., Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux, LLC,  New Orleans, LA

Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition Technology: Privacy, Policy, and Best Practices
Description: This presentation will address some of the recent false narratives and assertions made on law enforcement uses of facial recognition technology. It will focus on alarmist claims circulating the web and will highlight conflicts found in these reports. It will also stress the importance for every agency to establish a system of metrics and accountability to refute alleged misuse by public safety. The speaker will briefly discuss the image intake and vetting process for facial recognition and will recommend a best practice Facial Recognition Five Step Investigative Workflow that all agencies should utilize during any criminal investigation.

Presenters: Roger Anthony Rodriguez, Director of Public Safety Business Development, Vigilant Solutions, Livermore, CA and Retired NYPD

NSA’s Global Center for Public Safety Overview
Description: Panel discussion of NSA's Global Center for Public Safety, the Command College, and the Sheriffs’ National Academy.

Presenters: Sheriff Paul Laney, Cass County, ND; Sheriff Steven Sparrow, Oldham County, KY; Mitch Javidi, Ph.D., Founder, International Academy of Public Safety, Holly Springs NC; Hilary Burgess, NSA; Steve Hodges, NSA

Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining a 21st Century Workforce that Builds Community Trust and Legitimacy
Description: Law enforcement executives are searching for strategies to hire workforces that are reflective of the communities they serve. This workshop will provide police executives with a blueprint that will assist them with recruiting, selecting, and retaining a law enforcement workforce that is reflective of the community.

Presenters: Sheriff Jack Serier, Ed.D and Booker Hodges, DPA, Inspector, Ramsey County Sheriff's Office, MN

Treating Victims of DUI/Impaired Driving Crashes as Crime Victims
Description: Alcohol-impaired driving crashes took the lives of 9,967 persons in 2014, accounting for 31 percent of the total vehicular crash fatalities in the United States. When factoring in all types of impaired driving and other vehicular crimes, the number of persons killed and injured is even higher. Yet too often prosecutors, victim advocates, and law enforcement continue to differentiate between vehicular crimes and other types of crime. This seminar, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime, with the support of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, aims to change any existing mind-sets that DUI/impaired driving crashes are “accidents” rather than “criminal acts.” Moreover, Sheriff Whetsel and co-presenters want to ensure that victims of these crashes are responded to by law enforcement in a crime victim-centered way, with all the referrals, support, and crime victim compensation resources due victims of a violent crime. The recently released NSA roll call video, “DUI Crashes: Real Crimes, Real Victims,” will also be shown at the seminar.

Presenters: Sheriff John Whetsel, Oklahoma County, OK; Colleen Sheehey-Church, President, Mothers Against Drunk Driving; Dan Eddy, Executive Director, National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards; Tim Woods, Director of Grants & Contracts, NSA
[View the video featured in the seminar, DUI Crashes: Real Crimes, Real Victims]

Understanding Unconscious Bias and How to Address it Within Your Office
Description: This workshop will teach participants how to recognize their unconscious biases and how character based leadership can help address issues of unconscious bias within the workforce. Research on unconscious bias and a case study will be presented to help participants better understand how to confront these issues within our law enforcement workforces.

Presenters: Sheriff Jack Serier, Ed.D and Booker Hodges, DPA, Inspector, Ramsey County Sheriff's Office, MN