NSA Presents Awards at 2019 Annual Conference in Louisville
As it has in years past, the National Sheriffs' Association presented the 2019 Awards to their respective recipients at this year's Annual Education & Technology Expo in Louisville.
The awards and their recipients are as follows:
Ferris E Lucas Award – Sheriff of the Year Award (sponsored by Turnkey Corrections):
- Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, Pinellas County FL
Charles “Bud” Meeks Deputy Sheriff of the Year Award for Valor (sponsored by Motorola Solutions):
- Deputy Robert K Kunze III (Posthumous), Sedgwick County, KS
Charles “Bud” Meeks Deputy Sheriff of the Year Award for Merit (sponsored by Motorola Solutions):
- Senior Deputy First Class Richard Dean, Harford County, MD
- Detective Cheryl Patty, Dane County, WI
Law Enforcement Explorer Post Advisor:
- Officer Jennifer E Robinson, Jacksonville County, FL
Chaplin of the Year Award:
- Chaplain Jay Birky, Porter County, IN
Corrections/Jail Innovations Award of the Year:
- Sheriff Craig D. Apple, Albany County, NY
Reserve Deputy of the Year Award:
- Captain Terry Watkins, Okaloosa County, FL
J. Stannard Baker Award for Highway Safety (sponsored by US Department of Transportation/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Center for Public Safety at Northwestern University)
- Sheriff Brad Cole, Christian County, MO
Crime Victims Services Award (sponsored by Appriss Safety)
- San Francisco Sheriff's Department
Additionally, two sheriff's offices - Lake County Sheriff's Office (IL) and New Hanover Sheriff's Office (NC) - were awarded the Triple Crown Award for their simultaneous accreditation from the Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), the American Correctional Association’s (ACA) Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, and the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare (NCCHC). This year's Triple Crown Awards were sponsored by Corizon Health.
To learn more about the various awards and submit your nominations, visit https://www.sheriffs.org/about-nsa/awards.
**Not awarded this year were the Court Security Agency/Professional of the Year or the Sheriff/Private Security Partnership Award (sponsored by Security Industry Alarm Association (SIAC), Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA))