Mental Health: The Role of the States
The Role of the States
- The Pew Charitable Trusts and the MacArthur Foundation's “Mental Health and the Role of States” is a report from the State Health Care Spending Project to help policymakers better understand how much money states spend on health care, how and why that amount has changed over time, and which policies are containing costs while maintaining or improving health outcomes
- The Pew Charitable Trusts' “States at a Crossroad on Criminal Justice Reform” explores the “tough on crime” policies that many states are looking to change.
- The Pew Charitable Trust' “Getting the Mentally Ill Out of Jails” examines treatment options that states and localities are exploring to avoid jailing mentally ill people.
- The Council of State Governments' “Stepping Up” Initiative to reduce the number of mentally ill persons in jail.
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Last updated: January 2019.